In AdminPulse the content and layout of the invoices can be adapted entirely to your wishes by adapting the invoice templates.
Two invoice templates are included in AdminPulse (one with invoice lines, another with only a description and the total amounts). In addition, there is one template for credit notes and two for invoice details. You can find them under Settings > Invoice templates.
With the templates of the type Invoice detail the order in which the registrations should be shown can be done in two ways: sorted by item or sorted by date.
An invoice template is a Word document with merge fields, for filling out the data of the invoice. Each invoice template has a name, a type (invoice, credit note or detail) and a language. The green check mark indicates that the template is active.
You can perform one of four actions on a template: Download, set active, replace and delete.
Only the active template will be used to create the invoice. To set a template as active click on the check mark in the actions column.
A template is used for one specific language; therefore, a template must be active for every language in which you invoice. If no template is active for the language in which an invoice must be created, an error message will be displayed on the invoice proposal:
You can add a new template via the plus button. Via the button 'Placeholders' you can download a list of all available placeholders.
Download, add and replace invoice templates.
To modify a template, you will have to download it.
After you have saved it on your PC, you can open it in Word and adapt it to your needs entirely. When you have modified the document, you can add it as a new template with the plus button below:
In the modal that opens, you enter a name for your template, a language and a type. Finally, you choose the edited file for upload. Otherwise, you can replace an existing template with a new version by clicking on the two arrows in the actions:
Your upload will overwrite the existing template.
Suggestion: We advise to save the standard templates from AdminPulse and thus create a new template rather than replace one of the standard templates. To use your customized template for invoicing, you must activate it as described above. Before you number your invoices, you may want to see a sample image from an invoice proposal.
Edit an invoice template
Also, you can build your own invoice template from scratch. Via the button 'Placeholders' at the bottom right you can download a list of all placeholders with a short description. You can then copy a placeholder from this list and paste it into another document. But a faster way of working is adjusting an existing template.
An invoice template is a Word document with such placeholders. When AdminPulse creates an invoice, the merge fields of the active template will first be replaced by the correct data. Next, a .pdf file is created based on the completed template.
Fixed text, images and styles elements you put in the Word document will end up on the invoice. However, the conversion to .pdf does have a few limitations: for example, some fonts are simplified during the conversion. But most styles that Word knows, will be displayed on the .pdf. Styles set on a placeholder are applied to the data that replaces the placeholder. For example, if you put {InvoiceNumber} in bold and green, the invoice number will appear in bold and green on your invoice. Examples of styles are font, font size, text colour, background colour, etc ... This way you can completely determine the layout of your invoices.
A special case are the elements that are repeated, such as invoice lines. The placeholders of which an invoice line consists, will have to be repeated as often as there are invoice lines on the invoice. Since you do not know in advance how often that will be, fields with 'BeginGroup' and 'EndGroup' exist for this. Placeholders that will have to be repeated must be placed between such a start and end field. Below you see, for example, a table for the invoice lines.
The first cell will contain the description {Description}, the next will contain the quantity {Quantity}, and so on up to the last cell the total excl. {BaseAmount}. Because all these elements must be repeated for each invoice line, in front {BeginGroup: InvoiceLines} is pasted and right after {EndGroup: InvoiceLines}. This way, a table row with all these cells will be created for each invoice line.