Adding transactions and payments to invoices
You can add payments to an invoice in two ways:
- through the item transactions on the invoicing menu
- behind an invoice on the invoices page
To use this features you must enable payment monitoring on the general settings page.
Through transactions on the invoicing menu
When payment monitoring is enabled, the transactions-item will be shown on the invoicing menu.

Clicking this item will load a new page on which you will see an overview of all open and closed transactions and on the left side all unpaid invoices.

You can add transactions in two ways:
- by manually entering a new transactions through the Add button on the left side
- by uploading a CODA file through the document screen.
Each transaction can be linked to an unpaid invoice, can be edited or be deleted by using the buttons behind it.

Click the link button to attach a transaction (or a part of it) to an unpaid invoice to registrate the payment. A window will open where you can select the invoice and choose the amount to be paid. Click the Save button and the invoice will be marked as being fully or partially paid. Accordingly the open amount of the transaction will be lowered by the amount spent.
The other way around, you can drag an unpaid invoice from the left side onto a transaction to link it. The same window will open to choose the amount to be paid.You will see that the invoice is paid (if you chose to pay it completely) and the open amount of the transactions is lowered accordingly.
Click auto link transactions to have AdminPulse looking for itself for an invoice that can be linked to a transaction. If a match between amounts is found a suggestion for a link will be made for each match.

You can always expand the transaction to see which links have been made for this transaction. It is also possible to break the link and mark the invoice anew to being unpaid.
Behind an invoice on the invoices page
Click on the button to add a payment to an invoice and a window opens.

You can enter a full or partial payment for an invoice. There are two options for registering a payment:
- through a bank transaction
- link to a credit note
At the top of the window you will see the invoice and the outstanding amount.
In the case of a bank transaction, choose from which account you want to pay, enter the IBAN and BIC of the beneficiary, choose the execution date, enter the desired amount (the full amount is proposed but you can always change this), and if necessary add a comment. Click on the Save button to save the transaction.
If you have credit notes, you can link these with the invoice to register a payment. If you click on the "Link a credit note" tab, AdminPulse will automatically search for available credit notes and make a proposal. You can always change this. Enter the desired amount and a possible comment. Click on the "Save" button to save the transaction.
Caution: these actions do not make the actual payment, you can only register them to follow up the payments for an invoice.