Navigate to Settings > Employees to find all information about the employees.
In the blue bar at the top you can see how many licenses you have and how many of these are assigned to an employee. Below you see an overview with a number of relevant data for each employee, including his price profile and role.
The profile is used to apply different rates. The role is used to restrict access to specific AdminPulse components.
Add an employee
If there still are available licences, you can add employees by clicking on the 'Add' button. Enter the details and click on 'Add'. The email address will also be the username of the employee in AdminPulse. As soon as it is added, an email will be sent to that address with a link to set a password.
Adjust an employee
To open an employee's record, click on that line in the overview. Here you can change the personal details, price profile or role.
Note: The 'Caller ID' field is used in the context of integrating AdminPulse with a phone system. This ID enables the identification of the employee during an incoming call, call forwarding, etc.
It is possible to assign different roles to your employees to limit access to specific AdminPulse components.
The possible roles are:
- Administrator
- Full user
- Invoice user (before: Standard user)
- This role can edit invoice proposals, but will not be able to finalize an invoice
- Relation user
- Registration only
The table below shows the permissions for all possible roles.
- Management (X) means full control (read and write permissions)
- View (O) means that a user can only view the item, but not modify it (read permissions)
- An asterisk (*) means that a user can only see their own information
- Empty means there is no access
Note: Employees who do not have access to invoicing will not see financial data elsewhere in AdminPulse, such as the graphs on the homepage and the amounts in the registrations.