On top at the right side are all kinds of filters that you can set to limit the list of documents. This way you can only show the documents of a certain relation, of a certain period, of a certain type and/or a certain processing status.
By combining filters you can make the selection more specific. With the "Search document" text field you can quickly search for a specific document. You can enter (part of) the document name and/or tags that have been assigned to the document here. Tags must be fully typed to be recognized.
Caution: Searching among the documents will only be done with the tags selected in the left part of the screen. More about this in the "Folders and Tags" section. When you return to the "Documents" screen, the selection from the last time is still active.
Below the bar with filters is the overview of the documents. This will always be the list of documents that fall within the set filters. By clicking on the column name you can reverse the sorting.
In addition to a file name, a document in the list also has a type, a linked relation, a processing status, a document date, a download button and an action button.
The download button
The action button
With a click on the action button you start the action that is proposed on the button. Other actions can be selected via the menu that opens with a click on the arrow. In the example below, linking the document to a relation is the proposed action, but "Open" and "Delete" are also available via the arrow.
The action button expanded
Saving a search in AdminPulse
Do you often use a specific combination of filters? Save time by storing this configuration as a saved search. This way, you won’t need to reapply the same filters every time.
How to save a new search
Follow these steps to save a search:
- First, set up the filters according to your preferences
- Click 'Save search criteria', located just below the filter section in the middle of the screen
- Give your search a clear and recognizable name
- Then click 'OK' to save it
Your search is now saved!
How to use a saved search
To reuse a saved search, follow these steps:
- Open the 'Select search criteria' menu (located below the filter section, in the middle of the screen).
- Click the name of the search you want to use.
The filters will automatically be applied, and you can immediately start working with your saved configuration.