Define the invoice number and the credit note number in the General Settings menu, in the Invoicing section.

Invoice number
Here you can define your invoice number lay-out.
For example FAC-000001:
- click on the Text button
- fill in FAC- in the empty field
- click on the Counter button
- after #, you fill in the number of digits. When calculating the invoice number, AdminPulse will use as many zero's as needed to reach the number of digits. The counter starts with 1 by default.
The other buttons:
- YY shows the last 2 numbers of the current year
- YYYY shows the current year
- MM shows the current month in numbers
Pay attention regarding the structure of your invoice numbers. The lenght can't exceed the allowed length of your accounting software. If you don't take this into account, the import of your invoices will fail! Please check the manual of your accounting software.
Credit note number
This works the same way as your invoice number.
Starting number for invoice / credit note
The counter starts with this number.