Click on New registration in the menu Registration.
In the Relation field, you can start typing a part of the customer's name. AdminPulse will suggest customers and the registration fields become active.
In the dropdown Which you can choose an item from the price list. Click here to read how to adapt the price list.
Here you can register your worked hours.
These buttons will immediately add 5, 10 or 15 minutes:
These buttons round off the duration to the nearest 10 or 15 minutes:
If you entered the address of the client in his relation file AdminPulse can calculate the distance. Click the calculator icon in the Distance field:
Register the costs you made for your customer.
When entering new registrations a date can be chosen. The date of existing registrations can be changed as long as they are not invoiced.
You will find an overview of you registrations by clicking Overview in the Registration menu. From this screen a new registration can be made by clicking the Add-button at the bottom.
Repetitive registrations (subscription costs, administrative costs, expenses,...) can be made per relation in his relation file. Find more details about this right here.