Sending an email to a number of relations is possible in AdminPulse via the tasks.
A subtask of the mail type that is set to the Ready state will send an email (with the linked email template as content). In the task board you can send mail by mail, but in the task overview you can move a subtask for a list of tasks. Like this you can send an email to a lot of relations at once.
The prerequisite therefore is that a task is planned for the relations with a subtask of the mail type.
(In the example below we use the PIT task, but the way of working is the same for each task with a subtask for which an email must be sent.)
The way of working is like this:
1) Go to task overview and choose the task PIT (If you use the three different templates for PIT you have to go through these steps 3 times).
2) Select all tasks for which you want to request the documents (with the checkbox at the top left you can select all at once).
3) Click on Batch operations on the top right and choose Change subtask state. This button becomes active if you have selected at least one task.
4) In the modal, select the Request documents subtask, set State to Done and check Send email.
5) You will see the email template open:
(This is the email template that is linked in the task template of this task (PIT). If desired, you can create another template and link it to this subtask).
To send this mail to all relations with this task you only have to click on OK.
The subtask will be set to Done for all these tasks and the mail will be sent to all these relations.
You can follow the progress and the result of sending the mail in the screen that opens with this button from the menu bar: