What is an API and what can you do with it?
An API (Application Programming Interface) is a software interface that allows two applications to communicate with each other. In this way you can connect AdminPulse with another application and this application can read relationship data, add relationships, add registrations, change tasks status, ...
Where can I find additional information to build an integration myself?
All information regarding the AdminPulse API can be found here: https://developer.adminpulse.be
API key
An API key can be used to make a connection with the API. This is like a password and should not be shared with anyone. You can create an API key via My profile > API keys or via this link: https://app.adminpulse.be/#/profile/accesstokens
When you establish a connection with another software package that is known by AdminPulse, you will be able to find this in the "Client" selection list. Are you building your own integration by, for example, your IT person? Then opt for your own office integration.