AdminPulse works with tags to organize documents. These tags can be placed in a tree structure like a folder, but the operation of those folders differs at one point from a traditional folder structure: the same document can be found in different folders.
The offered structure serves only as an example. You can add tags yourself and you can organize them in your own structure. You can simply add a new tag in a document. You can remove or adjust existing tags under Settings > Tags. You can adjust the tree structure under Settings > Folder structure.
On the left side of the Documents screen, you will see the folder structure. By clicking on one of the "Folders" or "Tags" buttons you can switch between a view of that structure and a list of all tags.
Caution: A click on a folder or label always shows you those documents, but filters set at the top remain active. For example, if you selected a relation there, you will only see the documents with that label that are linked to that relation. Similarly for a type, status or period.
After clicking on 'Tags', all used tags are displayed in a list. If you click on one of the tags, you will see all documents with that tag. In the example below, you get a list of all documents that have the tag 'E-mail'.
A click on 'Without tags' at the top only shows you the documents to which no label is linked yet.
If you drag a document in this view (Tags) to one of the tags, that tag is added to the document. If the document already had other tags, they will be combined.
After clicking on 'Folders' you will see the tree structure. If you click on one of the folders / tags here, you will see all the documents that have that tag and the tags of the parent folders. In the example below, you get a list of all documents that have the tag "Jaardossier" and the tag "BTW".
In the 'Jaardossier' folder you will find all documents with that tag, including all documents from the 'BTW', 'Jaarrekening', 'PB' ... folders.
Click on the arrow in front of the name of a folder to show or hide underlying folders.
Each folder corresponds to a tag. But a tag only becomes a folder in the tree structure if you have given it a place in it. You do that under Settings > Folder Structure.
Just drag a document to a folder to move it there. The tags of that folder and all the parent folders are added to the document, while other tags are removed.
In the example below, if you release the document in the "Jaarrekening" folder, both the "Jaarrekening" tag and the "Jaardossier" tag will be assigned to that document. The document can then be found via both the "Jaarrekening" folder and the "Jaardossier" folder.
If you hold down "Ctrl" while you drag, the new tags are added but none are removed. This is more like copying a document since it will also remain visible in the folder where it was previously.
Caution: Tags are not automatically assigned. E-mails that come in can easily be filtered on the 'E-mail' type, but if you also want to assign an 'E-mail' tag, you have to do that yourself.