💡Before reading on, you might want to read Overview: Task board - Structure and content to learn about the general layout and basic functionalities of the Task board.
Filters and searching for tasks on the Task board
At the top of the Task board, you'll find an overview of the status of your task list compared to deadlines, giving immediate insights into:
- Total: The total number of visible tasks on the Task board.
- Where I can start: Tasks available to begin.
- Blocked: The number of currently blocked tasks.
- Past deadline: The number of tasks that have exceeded their deadlines.
- Deadlines within a week, two weeks, or three weeks: The number of tasks with deadlines within these specific timeframes.
Click any of the numbers at the top to view only the tasks in that category. This provides a quick and simple way to set priorities and take immediate action:
- Blocked tasks: Review these tasks to determine if you can assist colleagues by unblocking them. This helps your team progress.
- Past deadline: Focus on these tasks to adjust priorities or inform clients about potential delays.
- Ready to start: Work on these tasks immediately, as they are not blocked. This accelerates your workflow.
- Deadline within a week: Prioritize these tasks to complete urgent items on time.
Available filtering options
Use filters to quickly and effectively search for a specific task or subtask. Combine multiple filters, such as client, assignee, and deadline, to refine your results.
The available filter options include:
- Relation: Filter tasks associated with a specific relation.
- Assigned to: Display only tasks assigned to a specific user.
- Task templates: Filter tasks based on templates.
- Select subtask: Search for specific subtasks within a task template.
- Status: Filter tasks by their current status, such as To do, In progress, Done, or Not done.
Subtask status: Filter tasks based on the status of their subtasks.
- To-do filter: Displays main tasks and their subtasks if any subtask is marked as 'To-do'.
- In progress filter: Displays main tasks and their subtasks if any subtask is marked as 'In Progress'.
- Done filter: Displays main tasks and their subtasks if any subtask is marked as 'Done'.
- Not done filter: Displays main tasks and their subtasks if any subtask is either 'To-Do' or 'In Progress'.
- Periodicity: Search for tasks linked to specific schedules.
- Date range: Filter tasks within a specific time period using a From - To selection.
Additional options and settings
- Show only subtasks assigned to selected user: Use this toggle to limit the visible list to the subtasks of a specific user.
- Filter the tasks the selected user can start: Display only tasks that the selected user can start immediately.
Click 'More filters' to access additional filter options, including, for example, 'Show past tasks.' This allows you to view tasks that are done and whose deadlines have passed. To reset all filters and view all tasks, click 'Reset filters'.
The 'Save search criteria' function allows you to save specific filter settings. This is especially useful if you frequently check the same group of tasks, such as tasks with a deadline within a week assigned to a particular user.
Working with tasks and subtasks on the Task board
Adding a Task
Tasks can be added to the Task board in two ways:
- Automatically: Through task planning.
Follow these steps to manually add a task:
- Click the '+ Add' button in the top left of the Task board.
- Choose whether to use an existing 'Task template', or create a new one-off task by deselecting 'Select Task Template'.
- Fill in the task parameters, such as:
- Relation
- Deadline
- Assigned to
- Price list item
- Tags
- Comment
- Click OK to add the task to the Task board.
Adding a subtask
Want to break down a task into smaller subtasks or add additional actions? Here are the steps:
- Expand the main task by clicking the triangle on the left side of the task.
- Click the + button under the 'To Do' column.
- Fill in the subtask's details. If no specific deadline is set, the subtask automatically inherits the main task's deadline.
- Click Save to add the subtask.
Editing tasks or subtasks
Tasks and subtasks can be easily modified using these guidelines:
Editing a main task
- Click a task title to open and view or edit its details.
- Make the necessary changes and click Save.
- Reassign a task to another user directly from the Task board by clicking on 'Unassigned' or the user's name. You can also update the deadline or status this way.
Editing a Subtask
- Click the subtask title to open its details.
- Make the necessary updates and click Save.
- Drag the subtask to a different status column to update its status.
- The status of a main task is updated to 'Done' automatically once all related subtasks are marked 'Done'.
- Marking a main task as 'Done' automatically updates connected subtasks to 'Done'.
- Changing the deadline of a main task updates the deadlines of its connected subtasks automatically. The reverse does not apply.
Deleting tasks or subtasks
👉 Caution: Deleting a task is a permanent action and cannot be undone. When deleting a main task, all related subtasks will also be removed.
Deleting a main task
Follow these steps to remove a main task:
- Hover over the task's top-right corner.
- Click the three dots and select Delete.
Deleting a subtask
Use the same steps as for deleting a main task, but at the subtask level.
Blocking and unblocking subtasks
Use the block option if a subtask cannot currently be performed. Follow these steps:
- Click the three dots in the top-right corner of the subtask and select 'Block'.
- The subtask will appear with a purple accent and restriction icon, indicating it is blocked.
- Optionally, add a comment to explain the reason for the block.
To unblock a subtask, select 'Unblock' from the same menu or drag the subtask to a different status column.
Marking subtasks as not applicable
The 'Mark as inapplicable' option is used to indicate a subtask that is no longer relevant. Common scenarios include:
- A conditionally planned task no longer needed due to process changes.
- A task rendered unnecessary by external decisions or circumstances.
- A preparatory task that is no longer executed after review.
- Click the three dots in the top-right corner of the subtask and select 'Mark as inapplicable'.
- The subtask's title will be struck-through, and it will move to the 'Done' column automatically.
If you wish to restore the subtask, choose 'Mark as applicable' from the same menu or drag the subtask to another status column.
Marking subtasks as not performed
The 'Mark as not executed' option is used when a subtask is closed without being executed. Common scenarios include:
- A task not started due to external factors, like shifting priorities.
- A deliberately skipped low-priority task to complete important work on time.
- A planned task rendered unnecessary after an evaluation or meeting.
- Click the three dots in the top-right corner of the subtask and select 'Mark as not executed'.
- The subtask will be struck-through, and it will automatically move to the 'Done' column.
To change it back to executable, select 'Mark as to be executed' from the same menu or drag the subtask to a different status column.
Sharing tasks or subtasks
The 'Share' function allows you to internally share a task or subtask with a colleague. Common use cases include:
- Informing a colleague about a specific task relevant to their work.
- Requesting a colleague to follow up or complete a task.
- Providing additional details or context to promote collaboration around a task.
- Click the three dots in the top-right corner of the (sub)task and select 'Share'.
- In the dialog box, use the 'User' field to select a colleague to notify.
- Add extra information or instructions in the 'Comment' field for additional context.
- Click 'Share' to send the task. The selected colleague will receive a notification with the task details.
Registering time and costs on the Task board
You can log time or costs directly on a task or subtask from the Task board. For more information, refer to the details about time tracking.